This one has it all...Negroes,Criminality, Negronomenclature and Fail. Twice over, no less.
These two fine upstanding 'citizens' are supposed to be National Guardsmen, yet instead decided to turn their respective hands to armed robbery. Go figure, eh? It kind of reminds me of that old saying about having the fox guard the henhouse.
In the event of a massive 'SHTF'-type scenario striking the US, these two would be called upon to enforce law and order, security, etc....somehow though, I'm kind of thinking they be just like the Police looters during Katrina, only with machine guns instead of a handgun.
Sleep safe, America!
'Jemelle' is obviously a Negronomified version of 'Jamal', but what the hell is a 'Menshack'?
I'm giving them a cumulative 5.0 on the Negronometer...these just aren't the kind of stand-out Negronomes that this site exists to chronicle.
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