It's like he's got two first names, and she's got two surnames. Between them, they could make two normal-sounding names, like "Jon Harris" and "Scott Faulkner"
I used to think that the retarded trend of giving your child a first name that sounds like a surname was limited strictly to only the most pretentiously-preppy parents out there, but lo and behold, it seems black folk are succumbing to the lunacy too.
Harris would be a halfway passable name for a guy (still pretentious), but for a girl? Surely you'd want to give your daughter something evocative, mellifluous and altogether feminine, rather than saddling her with a moniker that makes her sound like either a brokerage house, insurance company, investment bank, law firm or upscale department store?
Harris Faulkner, Faulkner Harris, Anderson Cooper, Cooper Anderson, Harris Anderson, Anderson Harris...it's just so random and interchangable. Who here hangs out with people with names like Goldman Sachs, Price Waterhouse-Cooper, Neiman Marcus, Guthy Renker? Or Sachs Goldman, Cooper Waterhouse-Price, etc, for that matter?
This is another 0.0 strikeout in terms of creativity. Come on, how much better would 'Shaniqua Faulkner' sound?
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