First things first: As African-American names go, "Antonio" is a cop-out for people who kind of want a name like "Anthony" but want it to end in a vowel, which seems to be one of the recurring themes or "rules". It's much like Scrabble in that respect, only requiring much less intelligence to play. God alone knows how many points the utterly superfluous apostrophe or "LeVar" arbitrary capitalization is worth in this hypothetical word-game.
Anyhow, turns out there are in fact two guys named "Antonio Chance" out there. One of them (the murderer who killed Cynthia Moreland) has been certified as mentally retarded, whereas the other one (the rapper) is just plain retarded (although as yet uncertified to that end) for adopting the name of a retarded murderer in the sadly mistaken belief that it is in fact "edgy" or "cool", and that by extension he will thus be so to.

Mere coincidence, perhaps? What are the "Chances" of that, I wonder?
Well, it's no coincidence that they're both scoring 0.0
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