Friday, 27 November 2009

'Barkavius' sounds like the kind of name you'd give to a character in an animated movie about the Roman Empire where all of the characters are played by dogs, like some kind of bizarre hybrid between 'Lady and The Tramp' and 'Gladiator'.
I wonder if he has a brother called 'Woofus Maximus' or something like that?
What he does have (asides from a criminal record and a nice shiner courtesy of 'the Po-po') is a namesake of sorts, called 'Barkevious', whose negronomenclature was dubbed so mirthworthy that Name Of The Year named him their 2009 champion.

What are the odds on that?
I'm giving both of them an 8.0 on the Negronometer. How soon before we see a 'Barackavius', I wonder?

'Querronaceosam'. You have to feel pity for the newsreader who gets that come up on the teleprompter. Worse still, since 'Querronaceosam' was 'made good' as we say here at NU (negro-on-negro negrocide, so you can rest assured that 'it beez all whitey's fault'), some poor guy has to carve this negronomenclaturial monstrosity into a headstone.
People apparently just called him 'Querro', but I figure it would be quicker and easier if people just called him 'Sam'.
On second thoughts, it would probably have been a lot safer too...imagine if he misheard you and took it as a homophobic slight? Negro males get all bent out of shape when somebody suggests they are on the down low, yet most of them are simultaneously engaged in the sort of mindless larceny that will earn them a scholarship to NU, where single-sex communal showers and male-on-male rape are the daily norm. It's like Shakespeare said: 'I think the lady doth protest too much'.
It occurs to me that the phenomenon of Negronomology may in fact aid Negroes in the comission of felonious acts or providing false ID to the relevant authorities in attempts to scam various programs. In certain areas, I'm sure the cops wouldn't bat an eyelid if a negro told them that their name was 'La'Quazeriffioncius Jackson'.
Indeed, Negronomology can be viewed as part of a group evolutionary strategy designed to facilitate the use of false ID by simply counteracting the natural suspicion on the part of the relevant official. Said official may think that 'Sha'dontravius Jefferson' sounds like a hokey, made up name that they've just come up with on the spot, but those subjected to repeated exposure to Maury Povich paternity test shows will have their natural suspicion counterbalanced by the recollection that 'negroes do give their offspring bizarre and laughable names'.
Fortunately, said strategy and any intended advantage afforded thereby is completely nullified by the fact that whatever pseudo-African-Americanese moniker they decide to give themselves, they are still black, and that's one cause for suspicion that cannot be so easily neutralised, despite the best efforts of the mainstream media propaganda machine. Michael Jackson may have tried his darndest, but his efforts ultimately proved futile. A leopard can't change its' spots, and a negro, whether called 'Reggie' or 'Jarvontisse', is still a negro. As the old saying goes, a rose by any other name would still smell as sweet. The negronomological equivalent is the same in spirit, albeit it decidedly less flattering to the subject, as one might readily expect.
There's really not much you can add to a name like says everything you could possibly want to say all by itself, just by the fact of its mere existence.
It's a stone-cold, undisputed 10.0 on the Negronometer, no question, and our first Q name to boot.

What is it about negroes and criminality? It's like one of nature's immutable laws.
Suffice to say, it looks like these two future rocket scientists will be trading in their full ride athletic scholarships for full ride scholarships at NU.
At the end of the day, I can't help but get the feeling that this is all whitey's fault. If only some rich white family had adopted them like in that Sandra Bullock movie, then everything would have been just fine. They would probably be formulating cures for HIV and AIDS as we speak, but alas it appears that the white man is hellbent on keeping them down.
From a negronomological perspective, 'Janzen' is extremely disappointing, seeming to be little more than a jazzed-up version of 'Janson' or some such similar pre-existing name. As such, it merits only a 3.0 on the Negronometer.
'Nu'keese', on the other hand, is what we here in the negronomology faculty at NU call 'black gold'. You simply can't beat a name like 'Nu'keese', unless your name is something like 'Zsvontario'. It ticks all the boxes...superfluous apostrophe and all.
'Nu'keese' is getting an 8.5 on the Negronometer.
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