SOURCE:Now Public
'Danroy' sounds like a straightforward enough name, most likely a 'play it safe until we know who da babydaddy beez'-inspired moniker. It's just a shame that two fairly mundane names like Dan and Roy got stuck together...imagine if his parents had first consulted the Negronomicon and concocted a hybrid from the Negronomenclature listed within. Just imagine...Querronoszvontario, anybody? It would be even cooler if they decided to splice three or four different Negronomes together. The possibilities are endless!
However, one thing that isn't endless is life, and for some people the end comes quicker than it does for others. In Danroy's case, an attempted vehicular homicide on a cop was unfortunately foiled when said cop's partner decided to let bullets do the talking. In gangsta circles, I'd imagine killing a cop would have led to Danroy being a 'made man'. As it was, it just ended up with him being made good.
I'm giving Danroy a 1.5 on the Negronometer. At the end of the day it's just too mundane and lacking in that intrinsic creativity which all good Negronomes tend to have.
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