Okay, let me just say I was in two minds whether or not to include 'Andrae' as it is a lazy attempt at Negronomifying an existing name...you wouldn't even know it was different unless you saw it written down.
However, once we get past this initial disappointment, it's solid gold from here on out. Picture the scene:
ENSIGN BLOGGS: Most of the dignitaries have already beamed aboard Captain.
CAPTAIN SMITH: Who's left?
ENSIGN BLOGGS: Just the Triluvian Ambassador...he's beaming over now.
(Triluvian Ambassador materialises in Transporter Bay)
TRILUVIAN: I am Jhakor Ski'ron, Ambassador of Triluvia.
CAPTAIN SMITH: On behalf of the United Federation of Planets, I welcome you aboard
the Starship Enterprise.
TRILUVIAN: Yo, where da Vulcan women be at?
Andrae falls into the 'not to sharp, but fond of sharp objects category', and it looks like his penchant for stabbing people could earn him a scholarship place at NU, where sticking things inside people against their will is a daily occurence, especially in the showers. He should love it!
I'm giving him a 9.0...it would have been 10, but I had to knock a point off for 'Andrae', I'm afraid.
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