Saturday, 14 April 2012
SOURCE: Huffington Post
'Shawndeeia' obviously means 'multi-tasker' in Ebonics, because today's entry managed to juggle texting while driving...with a baby in her lap!
Shawndeeia has a whole litany of other traffic offences to her name (or Negronomenclature), but sadly she won't be enriching the roads anytime soon, as she's holed up in the big house on a $131,000 bail, and you just know that ain't gonna get paid!
The keeds have been taken into care, which means the taxpayer is now paying to raise them, basically. No change there, then!
Shawndeeia gets a 7.5 on the Negronometer. It starts off kind of normal, then goes crazy at the end. It's the kind of name a ring announcer at a boxing or wrestling event could really go to town on.
SOURCE: CBS Local Atlanta
Not much to say about this one, other than sometimes, life imitates art.
The Hypothesis:
The proof:
Patricia Hicks, mother of 18-year-old Anitra Hicks, tells WTOC-TV that her daughter thought she was having a bowel movement when she was actually giving birth in the bathroom.
A. Wyatt Mann is clearly some sort of prophet, communicating through the medium of images.
Anitra is only getting a 0.5 on the Negronometer. A distinct lack of effort went into this one.
PS: To any female readers who might be suffering from the same condition as Anitra, let me just say that if you are unable distinguish between your pussy and your asshole, then might I respectfully suggest that your feminine hygiene routine might be slightly less than adequate.
Facebook, eh? Now, thanks to the miracle of technology, Negroes who have never even met before can have 'beef' and 'diss' one another from anywhere in the world.
DeQuan took his cyber-beef offline, and killed a 16 year old girl whom he had been feuding with on Facebook.
NU is a lot like Facebook, as DeQuan will soon be finding out...lots of people wanting to be your 'friend' and 'poking' you. Good times.
I'm giving DeQuan a 5.0 on the Negronometer. It's good, but not great. Same goes for Shaniqua, it's the factory rims of Negronomenclature. Must try harder!
SOURCE: Daily Mail
Negroes hate cats. Remember previous Negronomicon stars Cheyenne and Lordtyshon?
Well now we can add Dollkeith to that hallowed list too.
I'm giving Dollkeith a 9.0 on the Negronometer...the instant you hear it, you immediately think to yourself 'What a fucking stupid name', and by golly you would be right too!
SOURCE: South East Texas Today
Okay man, here's the deal. You've done the crime, now the pigs are sniffing around you. All they know is that you were an acquaintance of the victim, they just want a statement. All you have to do is play it cool, and not give them any reason to suspect you're the killer.
So what do you do?
During the interview Williams became irate and attacked the Detective. Williams was restrained and arrested for Assault on a Peace Officer.
Now they beez jailin' Jaylan for a looooooong time.
Jaylan gets a 2.5 on the Negronometer, and I tend to suspect he would score about the same on an IQ test too.
Jerard (R) with his partner in crime
SOURCE: Fox 23
Oklahoma again, eh? I've said it once, I've said it twice, and so help me I'll say it a third time too: They should never have locked Jerome Ersland up.
Now it appears they are reaping the consequences.
Jerard will likely be getting a full ride scholarship at NU for his part in the murder of two students.
I'm only giving him a 0.5 on the Negronometer, as 'Jerard' is just plain lazy Negronomenclature.
SOURCE: Fox 23
Oklahoma again, eh? I've said it once, I've said it twice, and so help me I'll say it a third time too: They should never have locked Jerome Ersland up.
Now it appears they are reaping the consequences.
Jerard will likely be getting a full ride scholarship at NU for his part in the murder of two students.
I'm only giving him a 0.5 on the Negronometer, as 'Jerard' is just plain lazy Negronomenclature.
SOURCE: Examiner
Keona beez dead, and by dead I mean DEAD.
How dead, you ask?
Johnson was riddled with knife wounds: eight in the front, 40 in the back, 17 in the left arm, 28 in the right arm, and 12 to the neck. The 106th wound was a deep bite mark in the right arm near the wrist.
Like I say: DEAD.
Negronomologically speaking, Keona is only getting a 2.0 on the just doesn't have that extra bit of razzle-dazzle required to propel it into the big leagues.
Friday, 13 April 2012
SOURCE: Baltimore Sun
Lakesha had already had 4 children taken away from her by Social Services, yet they chose to leave her with her fifth. Now baby Rajahnthon is dead.
People like this should be spayed. End of story.
Negronomologically, I'm giving it a 10.0...Rajahnthon's name shall live on amongst the pages of the Negronomicon for all eternity, though I must say I'm now kinda curious to find out what the other four kids were called.
SOURCE: Daily Mail
Self-fulfilling prophecy:
Negro goes to court wearing sagging pants. Sagging pants originated in prison, because belts are confiscated, plus it makes for easy access when it comes time for some jailhouse lovin', a.k.a. 'buying a pack of cigarettes'.
Irate judge sends Negro to prison. Negro now has legitimate reason for sagging pants.
Alanis Morissette is probably writing a song about this right about now.
Lamarcus gets a 1.5 on the Negronometer, but a 11.0 for irony.
SOURCE: Chicago Tribune
Let's do some simple math:
Negroes + Fast Food 'restaurant' = ?
d)All of the Above
If you guessed 'd', you passed.
Even amateur Negronomologists are aware that the combination of Negroes and Fast Food 'restaurants' goes together about as well as water and electricity...this is yet another example to add to the list.
First person to come out with a fast food franchise concept which revolves around the concept 'No Negroes Admitted' is going to be a rich man, I tell you.
Negronomologically, it's so-so. I'll give it a 6.5 on the Negronometer, nothing more.
SOURCE: News On 6
Like the songs says: 'I got five on it', and we have a full hand to play here at The Negronomicon.
These five bipedal turds carried out a home invasion wherein they murdered a 66 year old man. Not only did they outnumber their victim 5 to 1, but they also came armed too.
If JFK was still alive, I've no doubts he would mention them in a future volume of 'Profiles In Courage', such was their bravery. Too bad Oklahoma chooses to lock good men like Jerome Ersland up...he knew how to deal with feral scum like this. Put them down and take them out. Sadly, it is all too often the case that citizens must reap what their traitor politicians hath sown.
Negronomically, we're really looking at nickels and dimes here, a cumulative 5.0. Some of these Negronomes are just terminally unimaginative, like 'Darrelle', but I think all five would look a lot better carved into a headstone, or in an obituary column.
Tyshawn...he beez a good boy, he wuz jus' gettin' his life turned around, etc.
SOURCE: CBS Local New York
Wow...quality AND quantity! You can't argue with a combination like that!
Turns out this sorry story is just more of the same ol' TNB with guns, but the sheer volume of Negronomenclature means this is getting a 10.0 on the Negronometer. It's almost as if the presence of one Negronome inspires a wave of competitive Negronomenclature in the surrounding area, a sort of Negronomically-tinged version of 'keeping up with the Jones', whereby Negronomological oneupmanship is the order of the day.
SOURCE: CBS Local New York
Wow...quality AND quantity! You can't argue with a combination like that!
Turns out this sorry story is just more of the same ol' TNB with guns, but the sheer volume of Negronomenclature means this is getting a 10.0 on the Negronometer. It's almost as if the presence of one Negronome inspires a wave of competitive Negronomenclature in the surrounding area, a sort of Negronomically-tinged version of 'keeping up with the Jones', whereby Negronomological oneupmanship is the order of the day.
SOURCE: Herald Tribune
I'm thinking of inventing a new machine, like a seismograph, only this machine would be called a 'Negronomograph'. Let me tell you, if I had one, it would be going off hard right about now!
This tragic tale has it all...'bakkaball', bull dykes and Negronomenclature of the highest order. Oh, and murder of course. People with names like 'Starquineshia' rarely go on to become rocket scientists, after all.
This one ranks as a 9.5 on the Negronometer. You only have to hear the name to know the owner is 'melanin enriched'. 'Quineshia' alone would be a perfectly good Negronome, but the pointless addition of 'Star' sends it shooting into the stratosphere, Negronomologically speaking.
SOURCE: Riverfront Times
Vernell looks to be yet another uniquely-monikered beneficiary of a full ride scholarship to NU. He done stabbed his woman over two dozen times, cut her up, then dumped her body in a bin and glued it shut. Unsurprisingly, his crime was quickly discovered, and Vernell was spotted on a security camera buying the bin and glue at 'Wall Mark' (or 'Wal-Mart', for those of you unfamiliar with Ebonics).
Obviously, forward planning, like anger management and impulse control, is not his strong suit.
Vernell gets a mere 2.0 on the just have that quality which raisess it above the mundane.
Word is Vernell could get the lethal that some new-fangled euphemism for some good ol' fashioned man-on-man jailhouse lovin', or what?
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