Wednesday 8 February 2012



Now, this might seem like going out on a limb here, but I'm adding these two WITHOUT having seen mugshots.

I'm sure the more delusionally liberal amongst our readership will doubtlessly be outraged by this...after all, the news report makes no mention of any of the suspects being black...yet I feel confident enough to it.

Why, you may ask? Simple. I am a qualified Negronomolgist, and as such can spot Negronomenclature from a mile off. When you couple the presence of Negronomenclature with the other factors (location, use of the media codewords 'teens' and 'youths', and the TNB that took place) it is absolutely certain that these perps are in fact black.

I'm not psychic, I don't have an inside man down at the local police precinct, but I am a qualified Negronomologist and a race realist. Believe me when I tell you that Negronomology is poised to become THE hot crime-prevention science of the next few will make that Pre-Crime jazz in 'Minority Report' look Stone Age by comparison. Remember, you heard it here first.

I'm giving these two doofuses a perfect 10.0 on the Negronometer, because these names do exactly what a good Negronom should do, namely alert the reader/listener to Negroes without the need for visual confirmation.

If I'm wrong on this, I'll happily eat my hat...but let's face it, I'm not wrong, am I?

Pictures to follow as and when they become available.

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