SOURCE: NY Daily News
The name alone is stupid enough to clock in at an undisputed 10.0 on the Negronometer, but here at the Negronomicon, ridiculous Negronomenclature is our bread and butter. As it happens, 'Lordtyshon' has got a lot more to bring to the table than just a laughaby ridiculous name.
See, Lordtyshon done gone an' got himself what we all call 'Rep'. He beat a cat to death with an umbrella.
And when I say 'cat', I don't mean it in a street-slang sense, but in a literal sense, as in the furry feline.
Word, homes. He was probably jealous of the cat's superior intellect and personal hygiene.
The whole thing reads like some Negrified version of Clue: 'Who killed Mr. Kitty? It was Lordtyshon, in the crib, with an umbrella.'
Of course, after you solve the crime, you get to be accused of being 'rayciss', and get to listen to counter-arguments from other players (or 'playas') who will attempt to disprove your hypothesis with such tested and true Negroisms as 'He din' do nufinz!', 'He beez a good boy!', 'He wuz jus' gettin' his life turned around' etc, etc.
Fun for the whole family. Maybe I could manufacture a special 'Who be da babydaddy?' version as well?
Anyway, like I said, straight 10.0 on the Negronometer, now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go and phone Parker Brothers.
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